Publish business news articles
on the most popular websites in Moldova

Boost interest in your business by avoiding obtrusive ads
and increase sales
Business news
Native advertising
Advertising in social media
Photo and video production
Polling in articles
Event streaming
Event sponsorship
Banner advertising
in Moldova
Our sites are the most read news websites in Moldovan Internet and have over 70,000,000 page views per month.
Over 5,000
happy customers
The largest Moldovan companies publish their news here: banks, store chains, restaurants, mobile operators.
Unobtrusive and
Publication of news articles in the main newsfeed and adaptable price packages will allow you to achieve maximum results with minimal investment.

Your news on our sites

in figures



will click and read

your news

50 000+

will see your news in their news feed and on the main page

Less than


this is how much you pay for a potential customer to read your news article

Less than

5 bani

this is how much you pay for a view of your news announcement teaser in the newsfeed

Sample news articles
in various fields of business

We publish a variety of news formats to achieve your goals:
informational article, announcement, interview,
Articol publicitar despre noul meniu al lanțului de restaurante Andy's
Articolul informativ este conceput pentru potențialii clienți ai lanțului de restaurante și anunță despre lansarea unui nou meniu. Conține fotografii de calitate, un link către site și numere de telefon pentru comandă.

When you may need
the news publication?

a market

Make yourself known to your customers. Introduce your audience to a new brand, product or service.

Generate initial calls and sales.

Shape a positive image of your company. Present information to your customers in a more friendly way.
Dealing with objections
Convince hesitating customers who take a long time to choose weigh the pros and cons before contacting you.
Show your company's expertise through interesting interviews and reviews. Boost confidence in your product or service.
Ready to publish a news article?
Contact your manager!

How to publish
an article on the site?

  • Discussing
    posting details
    Fill out the form or leave your contacts on our site in the most convenient way. Our manager will contact you shortly to specify the posting details.
  • Preparing
    the article
    Submit the text of the news article to be published or order it to be written and translated by us. Our professional journalists, translators, photographers and designers are available to help you.
  • Publishing
    and analytics
    A personal manager will notify you when the article is completed. With your approval, the article will be published. Detailed analytics can be provided to you on request.

Helping PR managers, marketers, business owners, and sales directors achieve their goals




Lots of

website traffic

The article is permanently posted on the site and constantly attracts visitors. The article leads customers to your site, to explore your products and services, and to place orders.


Not enough

website traffic

There is little or no traffic to your site, which means no orders or calls. Visitors don't find information about you online and don't click through to your site from information sources.


Customers are kept updated on your promotions and discounts


Customers know nothing

about your news

Your potential customers are notified about your promotions and discounts and take advantage of them.
Your potential customers know nothing about all your promotions and discounts and can't take advantage of them.


Your ads attract attention and click-throughs to your site

Your advertising articles, videos, photos and banners cause a wow effect with the client, spread virally, are remembered by them, which means they are more likely to order your services.


Your ads have low views

and low conversions

Your advertising materials have a low conversion rate, they are not remembered by customers, which means that the advertising budget is used inefficiently and the expected results are not achieved.


Your site is above your competitors in Google searches

You can place an indexable link in an article on our site. This will increase the credibility of your site by the search engines, which means you will get more visitors than your competitors.


Your site is lower than your competitors in Google searches

Google rarely visits your site, pages are not indexed, you can't find your site for the required searches, instead you find the sites of your competitors.
Any questions left?
Contact a manager and they will help you with more information.
© 2023 Simpals
Contact Info:
+373 22 88 80 01
Calea Orheiului 28/1 str.
Work time: 9-18 monday to friday
Would you like to receive our best offer? Leave your contacts and our manager will contact you.